my blogger page
am quite happy with my blog and delicious page. I have use them for my dailies
use, and put stuff that I want to share with people. Because some reason there
are not command in my blog, but I don’t care now as long as I know someone is
reading it. The blog have also write down what I have done in the subject. From
the course, I have start to learn and use some popular social media and file upload
site that can scearch other useful item from other people. I also learn to play
with html code and made website by bare hands and note pad.
About my Flickr stream
upload image for my assessment, but I a bit sad that he can’t keep the original
side of the image. So it is a safety move to post my image on Flickr and Photobuket.
I don’t know which one was batter, but I will stick on Flickr first.
About my Delicious
actually don’t like some of the function of this web that upload my like favorite
web and let people to see it. I guess this site can help me to save web page
when I have another computer and I need to transfer my favourite.
my web page
still can’t use the work space that CSU had provide, such a waste. I didn’t put
much effort on it because is a last moment work. I hope I can improve in the future
and found a space to put it on.
What i have learn
This course encourage us using socialise media and doing a webside as main purpose. I feel happy using those web, and i will try to continue the effort.